Granite Seams: Are They Necessary?

Granite countertop seams are the lines in between the slabs that can be found on the kitchen top. These lines form transitions between the two slabs and if you have put more than one slab at the countertop, then you have to use the seam to cover up the joint. These lines are often filled with filler so that they are not noticeable to the naked eye. According to the Edmonton home improvement experts, they are also on the marble and quartz countertops if you have decided to form the area of the kitchen in small slabs of the stone. The filler in the gaps takes shape when it is dried and is often matched with the rest of the colour of the granite. This makes them look like the part of the stone, giving the overall look, a seamless integrated one.

The seam that is filled inside the crevices depends on the skill of the technician who is doing it. While installing the granite countertop, it should be kept in mind that the seams are filled at the time of the installation. If it is done after the whole installation process, then it may not integrate in better manner with the rest of the fitment. It all depends on the skills of the person who is filling the seam in the gaps and how well he does the job. The countertop should be aligned from all the direction to make sure the seam in filled in line. You can run across your hand to see the level or can use the help of a leveller to authenticate the level of the stone. The ideal measure of a seam must be 1/16 of an inch and it should not be too thick. Too thick seams may be noticeable and may look like a sore thumb in the kitchen top. Always cut the seam in a 45 degrees angle as it makes it look invisible to the naked eye due to the visual alignment.

How many seams do you need?

This depends upon the size of the countertop and the kind of stone you have chosen for the kitchen. The number of the seams on the countertop should always be less, as too many seams will end up looking like a division on the top of the kitchen, making it look like a division. If you have a small kitchen, then the best option to go for is the large slab of granite that will make your kitchen look more attractive. Large slab means you might not need a single seam to finish the surface. There are some places in the countertops where the seam cannot be used. The places like the side of the dishwasher and the sink where they will be visible. Seams should always be marked at least six inches off the border or the cut-out at the slabs, if you have any. It also makes the countertop maintain its strength and makes it less likely to get cracks or getting damaged during the installation process.

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